Open a Chart file

Open a Chart file 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

You have edited and saved a tree chart created with Heredis? You can reopen it to further edit it or print it. A tree chart file is a graphic file, it becomes independant of your Heredis file. It contains only the data of persons included in the tree chart. Data can not be changed in this tree chart file to modify the Heredis file.

  • To open a tree chart saved when Heredis is already running, choose File > Open. Select the tree chart file your file directory and click Open.
  • To open a tree chart from the Home page, click the Home  button and choose (Windows) Open a Chart file; (Mac) Chart File from the Open menu. Click OK and then select it.
  • To open a tree chart file when another tree is already open, click (Windows) File > Open; (Mac) the Open button in the tree chart toolbar. Select the file in your tree chart directory of files and click Open.

Read also (Mac) Unlimited size tree chart : ancestors, descendant and hourglass, (Mac) Save the tree chart, (Mac) Predetermined size tree charts: Single-page Chart, Designed Chart, Fan Chart, (Windows) Unlimited size tree chart : ancestors, descendant and hourglass, (Windows) Save the tree chart, (Windows) Building single-page pedigree tree charts, (Windows) Building fan charts, (Windows) Apply a selction to a tree chart , (Windows) Print or export as PDF the tree chart