iOS and Android mobile versions

How to use iOS and Android Heredis app?

Export a Heredis genealogy from Heredis Android
Export a Heredis genealogy from Heredis Android 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
To send a genealogy file in Heredis format by e-mail, follow the steps below. This method is used to send […] read more
Export a GEDCOM from Heredis iOS
Export a GEDCOM from Heredis iOS 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
Use this function to send your file from Heredis iOS to another solfware you own, or to someone using a […] read more
Export a Heredis genealogy from Heredis iOS
Export a Heredis genealogy from Heredis iOS 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
You can export your genealogy from Heredis iOS if your file is on your tablet or smartphone. You can then […] read more
Navigate/Search in Heredis iOS
Navigate/Search in Heredis iOS 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
Tap any of the persons shown on the screen to display him or her as the primary person. […] read more
Switch from one genealogy to another on Heredis Android
Switch from one genealogy to another on Heredis Android 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

You can have several genealogies than Heredis Android, just like on Heredis Windows or Mac. After you create the new file or receive the file from your computer, to move…

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Heredis iOS Homepage
Heredis iOS Homepage 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
Important: Since Heredis 2020, the iOS app changes with each new version of Heredis for Windows or Mac. […] read more
Is there also an app for tablet and smartphone?
Is there also an app for tablet and smartphone? 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase
Yes, in addition to the genealogy software, we offer an app for Android and iOS. […] read more
Heredis Android homepage
Heredis Android homepage 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

Important: The Heredis Android app changes with each new version of Heredis for Windows or Mac. You must have the Heredis application for Android corresponding to the Heredis of your…

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Change root person on Heredis Android
Change root person on Heredis Android 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

By default, the root person is the person entered first. It bears the Ahnentafel number 1. You can edit the root person from the Heredis Android app. Place as a…

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Install a Heredis mobile app
Install a Heredis mobile app 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

Each version of Heredis has its own mobile app. Heredis for Mac or Windows computer can only communicate with its corresponding version for Android or iOS. Download the Heredis app…

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