Heredis’ Preferences

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(Mac) In Heredis menu > Settings

(Windows) In Tools menu > Preferences > Heredis Preferences

you may define different options. Choose how to display the names, places, numbers.

Choose the default options for creating events and set inconsistency alerts. Choices made in Heredis Preferences will apply by default for all new inputs.

You can change them at any time.


The “General” tab

(Mac) General Preferences

(Windows) General Preferences

Choose whether to enable automatic recording and change the recording frequency if necessary.
Select the Confirm Saves check box if you want to see a window to confirm each auto-save.

Choose name search parameters. Choose to search on the first letters of the name (Starts with) or in the full name (Contains).
(Windows) Using Automatic Data Entry allows you to have input proposals based on what you have already entered.

Choose which person appears at the launch of your genealogy. Do you still want to see the root person or the person you last displayed as a primary person?

The “Countries” tab

(Mac) Countries tab

(Windows) Countries tab

By default, Heredis offers you, when entering a place, the communes of English-speaking countries. If you have ancestors in other countries, check the corresponding country box. You will thus have the proposals of places but also given names according to the countries checked.

Not all countries in the world are included. Nevertheless, you can enter places that are not in the onboard database. To do this, proceed as described in the article Geolocating Places.


The “Format” tab

(Mac) Format tab

(Windows) Format tab


  • the format of the dates: Day, Month, Year or Month, Day, Year
  • the default event type: when adding a person (father, mother, child, spouse or other person), the person’s input window offers major events by default. For example, you can change it from Birth by default to Baptism. So you don’t waste your time changing the type of event.
  • Source management mode: Select the Full Mode check box to use the full source mode and choose the default options to have the least amount of changes to make when entering the source. See also the articles Sources and The different mode for Sources & Citations.
  • Proof: indicate what level of default source proof you want. With each addition of a source of an event, a fact etc. the default proof chosen here will be applied.
    • Evidence is direct if you have the act of the event in question.
    • Evidence is indirect if you have the information through another act.
    • Evidence is negative if you deduce the information from various elements (for example, when estimating a date of birth or death).
    • The ? allows us to clarify that you do not know where the information comes from.
  • the font and size of the notes: each time you add a note (event, source, media etc.), the font and size will be, by default, those chosen here. This change applies only to notes.
  • default options for signature and search status: For each person creation, the default signature chosen in the Heredis preferences applies. The same applies to the search status when adding an event.
  • show LDS events: check this box if you need Latter Day Saints events. (LDS Baptism, LDS Confirmation etc.)


The “Appearance” tab

(Mac) Appearance tab

(Windows) Appearance tab

Automatic formatting of data

When you enter a surname or given names, you can type them in either uppercase or lowercase.

If the Uppercase option has been selected in Preferences, a surname or a given name typed in lower case will be automatically converted to uppercase, including accented characters. If the name contains a particle it will remain in lowercase.

If you have chosen in Preferences the Initial Caps option, the surname or given name’s first letter will be automatically converted to uppercase, including accented characters.

Choose the order in which the surname and given names are displayed.

Choose the format of places, in capital letters or only initials in capital letters.

Indicate if you prefer Ahnentafel numbering by default or if you prefer to use your personal user numbering or both.

Completeness of data

The icon indicates whether or not essential information for major life events is complete (Birth/Christening, Marriage/Union, Death/Burial).
This icon concerns the completeness of information for the primary person in the Status bar and in the Search tab. It appears also in the Persons and Branches panels for all persons displayed.
It also influences Search Tracking tool. See Search Tracking article.

You can choose what information is required for an event to be complete: the accuracy of the date, place, the presence of a source and the status of the search for the event. Tick the boxes you believe are essential for you.

(Mac) Completeness setup

(Windows) Completeness setup

Regardless of the information collected in Heredis, you may determine that certain persons will not require further research. Click on the icon in Data tab > Personal Data or open the Search tab > Search Wizard and click the Consider that this person is complete button. The icon is surrounded by blue if activated.

When using the Branches panel, choose the Complete Persons Only option, and the results take into account both the completeness of the events and the person for whom you had determined that they be considered complete.


The “Consistency” tab

(Mac) Consistency tab

(Windows) Consistency tab

Heredis checks the consistency of your entries. Some controls are not configurable. For example, you will not be able to marry a child with their grandparent or add events after death if you choose a generic event.

Note: To avoid inconsistencies, use the generic event “Event after death” to create events that actually occurred after a person’s death. For example, a . See also the article Input events paragraph Create events not proposed by Heredis.

Change the minimum/maximum age at the birth of a child, marriage or death, the minimum number of days between two births, or even the age difference between the spouses.

If you have many ancestors who died after 100 years, it is interesting to change the consistency parameters.

Note: it is also acceptable to have inconsistencies if you justify it. For example, if you have a couple of ancestors who got married before the minimum age for marriage, is it useful to change the consistency for the whole file if only one couple is concerned? It’s up to you.


The “Advanced” tab

(Mac) Advanced tab

(Windows) Advanced tab

The Upload a copy of my media on Heredis Online box allows you to send your media in high resolution when you publish on Heredis Online. If this box is not checked, the media will not be sent. The low quality thumbnail will be displayed.

You can change the sending speed depending on your internet connection.

On Mac

The Displaying Delay slider allows you to increase or decrease the time between when you place your mouse on a function button or title and the appearance of the tooltip that explains the function or button.

On Windows

The Desactivate Hardware Acceleration and Enable in-memory data-fine checkboxes are tools that technical support may ask you to check or uncheck. These functions are to be used only if requested by technical support.