How to install Heredis’ software?
How to install Heredis’ software? 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase
Double-click on InstallHeredisWorld20xx.exe file.
Follow instructions, it will guide you through the setup process.
When setup is over, double-click on Heredis 20xx icon on your desk or access through Windows explorer (Programs (x86) – BSD Concept – Heredis 20xx World).
Then login to activate your licence. For further information see Activating Heredis.
Click on the downloaded link. When the download of InstallHeredisWorld20xx.dmg is over, the installation windows opens. If not, double-click on the downloaded file.
In the Installation window:
1. Drag the Heredis icon in Applications
Example of icon to be dragged, according to your Heredis version, this image and version number may vary.
2. Open the Applications folder and start Heredis. Drag and drop the Heredis icon to your dock to easily access Heredis.
Then login to activate your licence. For further information see Activating Heredis.
Launch Heredis
After activating your Heredis license (see Activating Heredis), click on Launch Heredis to start working. If you already have Heredis’ files from an old version, Heredis 20xx will convert them automatically on the first opening with the newer version.
(Windows) If you do not see your files on recent files, click on Open a genealogy in the home page and choose the file to open. If the files are too old (before Heredis 11), they might not convert themself. Contact us through our Contact form and will send you the procedure so we can convert it for you.
(Mac) Files previous Heredis 2014 might not convert themself, contact us through our Contact form and will send you the procedure so we can convert it for you.
Uninstall my old version of Heredis
Each new version of Heredis is a full installation. So it is not necessary to keep your old version of Heredis. Your file will still be on your computer. You can uninstall the old version to get some space on your computer.
(Windows) Uninstall your old version from the Control Panel then click on Uninstall a program. Choose your old version of Heredis and click on Uninstall. Windows 10 you can make a right click on program directly on the program list, then choose Uninstall.
(Mac) Drag your old version of Heredis from the Applications and drop it on the Trash Can.
See Uninstall an older version of Heredis for more details.
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- Download and Install Heredis