Close and reopen a genealogy
Close and reopen a genealogy 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase a genealogy file
When you have finished working with a genealogy file, you can close it without leaving Heredis.
• To close the active document, choose File > Close. You can also click the Close button in the upper (Mac) left, (Windows) right corner of the file.
• To close all open Heredis documents, press (Windows) Ctrl-Q; (Mac) the Option ( ) key, then click the Close button of the active document.
Info • If you have made changes since you last saved the file, Heredis will invite you to save it.
Note: When you close Heredis, wait a few mintues before to shut down your computer, Heredis can take some time to close properly. If you shut down too quickly your computer and Heredis didn’t finish to save the modifications you made, you will damage your file. It only takes a minute so please be patient. Computers are just like genealogy, they require patience 😉
Reopen a genealogy file
Select your genealogy from the (Windows) Recent Files, (Mac) Open submenu
or (Mac) double-click the file in the Finder.
- (Windows) click on Open a Heredis file,
- (Mac) click on Heredis File on the Open section, then click on OK.
If your file is not on the recent files, it doesn’t mean it has been deleted! Heredis will never delete your file!
The recent files list might have been cleaned by your operating system or by you after a spring cleaning.
Your file is stored on your hard drive disk. It can easily be found. However, you should make regular backups of your file in case your computer crashes or you need to reinstall your operating system etc. Check out How to save your file article.
Windows Info: If you don’t remember where to find your file on your hard drive disk, click on Search File on Hard Drive. Heredis will scan your hard drive searching for all Heredis and GEDCOM file format.
Mac Info: If you don’t remember where to find your file on your hard drive disk, open your Finder and write .hmw in the search bar.
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