FamilySearch 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase integrates various functions that allow you to search, compare, link, and import persons from FamilySearch universal Family Tree.
Click on the Search > FamilySearch tab if you wish to access it.
Important: Verify the compatibility of your Heredis version and FamilySearch.
Note: for an easy access to theses functions, customize your toolbar by adding the button .
Connecting to FamilySearch
In order to enjoy these features, you must connect to your FamilySearch account directly from Heredis.
If you are new to FamilySearch, you can create a free account online.
Family Search account
Primary Person
In this tab, you can compare, link or unlink a person from your Heredis genealogy file to a person found in FamilySearch.
The banner under this tab in Heredis displays:
- the primary person’s data, as saved in your Heredis genealogy file, his/her surname, given names, dates and places of birth and death.
- the person’s first name and last name, his/her FSID if the primary person is already linked to a person in FamilySearch, as well as the current status of any family ordinance request.
Other content in this tab varies according to context.
Heredis primary person for Family Search.
1) The primary person is not linked to a FamilySearch Person
You must find the Ancestor’s Name in FamilySearch’s International Genealogical Index (IGI) that corresponds to your primary person so you can link the two together.
Heredis displays a search form that includes the surname, given names, dates and places of birth and death for the primary person. These fields are automatically prefilled with the data already entered for this person in your genealogy.
If you click on the More criteria button, additional search fields for the primary person’s parents and spouse will appear, which should allow you to refine your search on FamilySearch. The Reset button will delete the content of all search fields displayed on the screen.
Click on the Search button, Heredis will directly access FamilySearch servers and display the list of persons found.
If you click on a person in the list of results, detailed information on the FamilySearch person you selected will be displayed in the Summary side panel.
If a person listed in the results seems to correspond to your primary person, click on the Compare button at the end of the line to compare the Heredis and FamilySearch persons in details.
Compare Heredis to Family Search.
To make it easier for you to compare the two, Heredis displays the Heredis primary person’s immediate family next to the immediate family of the FamilySearch person you selected.
If you click on the Link button, Heredis will attach the FamilySearch person’s ID number to the primary person in your Heredis genealogy file.
The two persons are now linked.
If you do not wish to link the two persons together, click on the Back button.
2) The primary person is linked to a FamilySearch Person
If the individual displayed as the primary person in Heredis is already linked to a person in FamilySearch, Heredis displays a window showing the data already saved for this person in Heredis next to the corresponding data saved in FamilySearch.
Family Search Linked Person.
3) The primary person is linked to a FamilySearch person who has been deleted
Heredis informs you in the banner of the Primary person tab that the FamilySearch ID number was not found.
If you wish to link this person to another FamilySearch person, click on the Unlink button displayed in the banner.
Consult the History
Directly from Heredis, you can consult the history of modifications that have been made to the FamilySearch record of the linked person. Click the History button to access it.
Note: Modifications made in FamilySeach after your import is processed will not be automatically updated in your file.
From this tab, you can import a FamilySearch branch into a Heredis genealogy file.
To access it:
Click on the following tabs: Search > FamilySearch > Import
or select from the menu: File > Import > FamilySearch…
Family Search Import.
1) Set the parameters for your import
Source Person
- Yourself: select this option to recover all or a portion of the genealogical data you have already entered in FamilySearch.
- Primary person in Heredis: if the individual displayed as the primary person in Heredis is already linked to a person in FamilySearch, you can select this option and thus complete his/her ancestors or descendants thanks to the data already gathered in FamilySearch’s global tree.
Note: if the primary person is not linked to a person in FamilySearch, this option is greyed out.
- FamilySearch ID number: enter a person’s FamilySearch ID number in order to retrieve a FamilySearch branch that will complete your genealogy.
Additional Options
Choose the number of generations for ancestors and descendants (limited to 5 maximum).
Tick Import Children of ancestors to retrieve the primary person’s siblings, uncles, aunts, etc.
You may also tick Import Alternate Names to retrieve additional names that might have been entered in FamilySearch.
Note: if you set the number of generations for ancestors and descendants to 1, the import will include the Source person and his/her spouse(s).
2) Imported data
When you click on the Import button, the following information is retrieved from FamilySearch’s global tree:
- persons
- events
- notes
- sources
All the persons imported into your Heredis genealogy are linked to in FamilySearch’s global tree and are recognizable thanks to their FamilySearch ID number.
Rules applied during data import from FamilySearch to Heredis:
When importing persons from FamilySearch, you may face a number of situations such as:
- the person to be imported is already in your genealogy with the exact same FamilySearch ID (FSID): this person will not be imported again to prevent the creation of duplicates; the import process will move on to the ancestors’ or descendants’ branch, according to your import settings.
- the person to be imported is already in your genealogy but does not have a FamilySearch ID (FSID) number or the FSID number is different: this person and his/her ancestors’ or descendants’ branch will not be imported to avoid creating inconsistent data.
Notes: If the person to be imported is already in your genealogy – without a FamilySearch ID number – and if he/she is not linked to the branch being imported, he/she will be added to your genealogy as a homonym.
The data imported from FamilySearch will never overwrite personal data in your Heredis file.
Persons in Heredis linked to Persons in FamilySearch
In Heredis, various functions are available to help you find persons in your Heredis genealogy file who are linked to FamilySearch persons.
1) Search by numbers
Search Menu > Search by number
Enter the FamilySearch ID number you are interested in and Heredis will automatically take you to the matching person, who will be displayed as the primary person.
2) Advanced search
The advanced search will allow you to apply filters to your list of persons in order to only display the persons linked to FamilySearch.
From the Persons panel, on Windows in the <Enhanced criteria> replace <None> with < Persons linked to FamilySearch>. On Mac, select <Genealogical Criteria> and replace <None> with <Persons linked to FamilySearch>.
(Windows) Family Search Enhanced Criteria.
(Mac) Family Search Advanced Criteria.
3) Smart Search
To access it, click on the Search>Smart Search tab.
Select <Persons> and replace the <Surname> field with <Linked to FamilySearch> then click on the Search button to start searching. All persons linked to FamilySearch are displayed just below the Results area. Refer to our Smart Search section for more details on this feature.
(Windows) Smart Search.
(Mac) Smart Search.
Note: if the primary person in your genealogy is directly linked to a person in FamilySearch, Heredis will display his/her FamilySearch ID number in the status bar. This number is also displayed in the Summary panel, under the person’s name.
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