Abbreviations 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase of most commun abbreviations available in Heredis or used in genealogy. This list is not exhaustive. You can give us your suggesions from our Contact form of
Genealogical abbreviations | |
° ou B |
Birth |
c ou C |
Christening |
x ou M |
Marriage |
xx |
Second marriage |
)( |
Divorce |
U |
Union |
rM ou R ou x |
Religious marriage |
Mc |
Marriage Contract |
xP or O |
Other type of Marriage |
(x) |
Engagement |
D ou + |
Death |
B ou (+) |
Burial |
L ou N |
Legitimate or Natural child |
(°) |
Illegitimate birth |
°+ |
Stillborn |
< 1900 |
Before 1900 |
> 1900 |
After 1900 |
<> 1900 & 1950 |
Between 1900 and 1950 |
Specific abbreviations in Heredis | |
(c) |
Calculated date |
J |
Julian Calendar |
H |
Hebrew Calendar |
(ca) ou ~ | Around, circa |
S |
Shared event between multiple persons |
(s) |
In tree charts it means a source exists |
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