Location Tree

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Under the Ancestors dynamic view, Heredis will automatically color code the banner of each box in the family tree, based on the place of birth of the persons displayed.
Heredis will also let you see the criteria on which the color coding is based, that is either the persons’ City, County, State/Region, or Country of birth.

How to display the Location Tree

Standard Ancestors Tree Chart

• Click on the Family tab > Ancestors, then on the cogwheel .
• You can now select Location Tree. Heredis is defaulted to color code each banner based on each person’s City of birth but you can, if you wish to, switch to another option such as County, State/Region, or Country of birth by clicking on the cogwheel  in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting > Location Tree.

The New Location Tree

Note: When no data has been entered for the person’s place of birth, his/her banner is displayed on a white background.

You can choose to increase or decrease the number of generations displayed in this Location Tree by clicking on the wheel and selecting the desired option.

Printing the Location Tree

You can also choose to print the Location Tree by clicking again on the cogwheel  and then on Print.

(Mac only) The printing format will depend on the size of your screen.

The Print window of your operating system pops up.

(Windows) Print window

(Mac) Print window

Export to PDF

(Windows) If you wish to export to PDF, instead of choosing your printer, select Print-to-PDF or any other PDF add-on installed on your computer.

(Windows) Export to PDF

(Mac) Click the PDF button in the lower left corner of the Print window then select Save as PDF.

(Mac) Export to PDF