GEDCOM tags generated by Heredis
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Each software tags the data as it pleases them (minor events, facts…), these tags are called Owner Tags and can be very different according to the software used to create the GEDCOM file. So some software might not be able to read the data.
Here are some owner tags you might found if you create a GEDCOM with Heredis.
_ARCH = Archiving the Source
_CLS = Person without descendants
_CREA = Date the item was created
_DATE = Date (of anything that is not standardized such as media dates etc.)
_ETI = Personalized flags
_EVID = Quality of the proof
_FIL = Child Status
_FNF = Father not find, untraceable (from Heredis 2021)
_FNA = Search Status of an event
_FSFTID = FamilySearch Identification Number
_GUID = File ID
_INFO = Quality of the information
_MNF = Mother not find, untraceable (from Heredis 2021)
_PRIM = Defined if the media is primary
_QUAL = Quality of completed citations
_QUAL._SOUR = Quality of the source
_QUAL._INFO = Quality of the information
_QUAL._EVID = Quality of proof
_RECH = Search Data of event
_RECH._PROJ = Search Data Project
_RECH.TYPE = Search Document type of Search Data tab
_RECH.PLAC = Search Place of Search Data tab
_RECH.DATE = Search date of Search Data tab
_RECH.REFN = Search data call number
_RECH.WWW = Search data website field
_RECH.NOTE = Research note
_SEC = Secondary person
_SHAR = Link for shared events
_SOUR = Quality of the source
_SUBMAP = Geolocation of subdivisions
_ULS = Unmarried person
_UST = Union type
This is a non-exhaustive list.
See also What is a GEDCOM file?
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- Gedcom & Heredis' file