Contact the author of a publication on Heredis Online
Contact the author of a publication on Heredis Online 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase you looking to get more information on a publication, to contact a potential cousin, or simply to ask the author of a publication to remove or hide your personal data?
Well, you can contact the author of a publication directly from Heredis Online.
Log in to your Heredis Online account.
Go to the publication you are interested in.
Click on the envelope located in the banner showing the name of the family tree.
Click in the Subject field to specify the reason for your message, keeping it short as you have the entire Message field at your disposal to elaborate.
Click in the Message field to type in the reason why you are contacting this person.
Check or uncheck the box “Receive a copy of your message at this address” depending on whether you would like to get a copy of the message you are about to send or not. Which can be very useful if you are contacting several persons during the same time period. This way you are keeping track of your request(s).
Click OK to send the message.
The author will receive an email with your message and the email address used for your Heredis account. He can then respond to you directly to your personal email address.
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- Heredis Online