Set up Heredis Android

Set up Heredis Android 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

Press the menu button to access the settings of the Heredis Android app.

Tap to apply your choice to:

  • Automatic formatting of names: Uppercase or only the first letter in uppercase.
  • the order of the dates : Day Month Year or Month, Day, Year.
  • the default signature . That is, when adding a person, the default choice will be applied. Choose from Yes (he/she can sign), No (he/she can not sign), or ? (you don’t know if he/she sign).

Finally, swipe down from the bottom to the top to access the rest of the available settings.

Change the theme of the Heredis app if the default theme doesn’t suit you. Tap on the choice of Light or Dark theme or stay on the default theme in your device’s system.