Navigate/search for a person in a genealogy on Heredis Android
Navigate/search for a person in a genealogy on Heredis Android 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase for Android allows you to enter and consult genealogical information contained in a file.
Select the genealogy to view or edit. See the article Switch from one genealogy to another on Heredis Android if you have multiple genealogy files in your app.
Navigate to a person
Display the person of your choice as a primary person (in the center of the screen) so that you can edit him/her or simply consult his/her information.
For this, you have several solutions:
- select it from the list of persons in the file in the Persons tab preceded by the number of persons contained in the genealogy.
- move from one person to another in the Immediate Family if you know where it is located exactly. For example, if you want to display the paternal great-grandfather of the root person, tap the paternal grandfather’s box in the immediate family and then tap his father’s box.
- search by Ahnentafel number or user number (if you use a personal numbering) in the search menu. Tap the button
at the top right and tap Search. Choose the numbering you want to use for the search and indicate the number of the person you are looking for. Validate with the magnifying glass or OK (depending on the devices) on your numeric keypad.
- search by surname or given name. On the Persons tab, tap in the Surname box and indicate the surname or its first letters, do the same for the given name if necessary. The list refreshes automatically.
Consult the person sheet from the Person Details tab, his/her close family from the Immediate Family tab, the dynamic tree of ancestry over 3 generations from the Lineage tab.
To edit the content of the person’s sheet, see Edit a person on Heredis Android.
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- iOS and Android mobile versions