(Mac) GEDCOM in Heredis

(Mac) GEDCOM in Heredis 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase

A GEDCOM is a format of genealogical files to share genealogical data with other softwares. Every software has its own format. So with the GEDCOM you can import your data into an other software.

When you start with Heredis, you might want to import your GEDCOM file to get your work in Heredis.
You can easily do that. From your old software or the genealogy website you were using, export your GEDCOM, you usually have to choose some options. Make sure to take all data and you have to choose UTF-8 encoding. To simplify, it is a universal language for computers. Save the GEDCOM on you local disk.

Then open Heredis, from the home page :
Click on GEDCOM File under the Open section then click on OK.

Tell Heredis where to find you GEDCOM. You can rename it. Heredis will convert your GEDCOM file into a Heredis file.

Heredis Mac Home Page

While converting, Heredis will ask you to check on locations. If you see a switch, for example between towns and Place subdivision, just click “Select Appropriate Place Elements” then click on the title of the column and change it.

You also might get to choose what to do with some unknown data. Every software has its own ways of handling data. So you might encounter this following screen :

Choose if you want to keep the data as Events or User Field. If you do not understand the tag, just look on the internet for Gedcom tag or on the help of the software that created the GEDCOM.

Then Heredis will ask you if you want to import Pictures and Sources or not and if you want to associate a special source for the elements you are importing.
Note that a GEDCOM do not contain media. It only keeps the path to the original media. So when you create a GEDCOM, make sure you create a folder with your media.

Click on Import to proceed.

If your GEDCOM contains your media data, you will have to tell Heredis where to find the media, so click on Yes.

As previously said, a GEDCOM file only keeps the path to the original media. Just tell Heredis the path to the original of your media on your computer.