Import a GEDCOM file on Heredis Online
Import a GEDCOM file on Heredis Online 150 150 Heredis Help Knowledgebase Heredis Help Knowledgebase feature is currently a Beta version, as mentioned on the button. A beta version is a version that is being finalized and is released to the general public to validate its operation and detect potential problems. If necessary, contact us via the contact form to give us your feedback.
You do not have the Heredis software or you have a version prior to Heredis 2021 and want to publish on Heredis Online?
This is now possible with the GEDCOM import in .ged format.
How to proceed?
- Create a Heredis account, it’s free and without obligation. Follow the instructions in Manage or Create your Heredis Online account.
- Go to in your web browser.
- Log in to your account.
- If necessary, click the FILES tab.
- Click the Import GEDCOM button.
- Change the title of your genealogy.
- Set the privacy options (see below).
- Let Heredis Online download and convert your GEDCOM file.
This step may take some time depending on your internet connection and the size of your file.
Important: DO NOT refresh the browser while sending.
Sending in progress
Conversion in progress
You may not see the conversion step if the file is processed quickly.
Note : If you cancel the upload to resume it a few minutes later and the file has the same name, Heredis Online will resume sending based on the progress already made.
Please note:
- The GEDCOM format does not keep the Anhentafel numbering since this numbering can be changed at any time. Thus, the root person in Heredis Online that will be displayed may be different from the desired one. By default, it is the first person added to the file that appears as a root person. At the moment, it is not possible to modify it on Heredis Online.
- In addition, the GEDCOM import into Heredis Online does not contain media. Indeed, the most widespread format of GEDCOM, to date, is the 5.5.1 format which never contains the media. (see the article what is a GEDCOM?)
A publication set up window appears. You can change the title of your site. By default, Heredis Online puts the GEDCOM file name but family-x-export.ged is not very aesthetically pleasing, which is why you can change it. Be careful, you will not be able to modify it later.
Display of contemporaries
Reminder: The legislation prohibits the publication of personal data less than 120 years in most countries.
In the Contemporaries view, set Persons born less than 120 years ago to consider contemporaries .
You can choose
- View all data
- display only their first and last names
- Do not display them, i.e. hide them.
If your publication is not privatized, we advise you to Do not display them.
Important! This setting is valid on persons with a birthdate entered. If your close cousins, spouses etc. do not have their date of birth entered in your file, their data will be displayed.
- Protect this publication with a password to privatize your publication. Check the box and enter the password in the box at the end of the line.
Only people with this password will be able to visit your site.
Be careful, visitors must also log in to a Heredis account. If they don’t have one, they can create one, it’s free and without obligation. - I would like this genealogy to appear in Heredis Online searches. If the box is checked, then the information of the file will be found in the Heredis Online search results, except for contemporaries with an entered date of birth obviously.
Setup other data
Your GEDCOM comes from a software other than Heredis. These settings do not apply to you.
As an indication, find below what they correspond to.
In the Other data section, choose
- Show private or confidential elements: everywhere in Heredis software, you have “Private” boxes, for an event, a media, a source, a note…
If you check the “Show private or confidential elements” box, this data will be public and in plain sight.
If you uncheck it, all data that has the “Private” box checked, or all persons that have the Confidential tag checked, will be hidden. No one will see this data except you. - Show all notes: if the box is checked, all your notes (except private ones if you unchecked the previous category) will be published and visible to all .
- Show sources: if the box is checked, all your sources (except private ones if you have unchecked the category private or confidential items) will be published and visible to all. The sources allow you to validate your work, they allow other genealogists to find the original document.
- Show photos: choose between Do not display them, in Thumbnail size (low quality), in High quality (from Heredis 2018).
If your photos have the Private checkbox checked in Heredis and you have unchecked the Private or Confidential elements category, the photos will not appear.
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- Heredis Online